Here comes Netify Vpn a strong vpn that power your Mtn Bis and Etisalat Social Pack strongly.
Some might be tired of getting ips everyday to browse with their etisalat social using psiphon or
Simple Server but With Netify Vpn you don't need such.
This new vpn was created out of Psiphon and the modder has removed out some invigorating psiphon features like the ads and the battery killer, Here are some features of Netify Vpn Over Psiphon
1. Act of changing countries has been removed
2. It powers all your browsers including opera mini
3.Eye catching designs are added to the vpn
Settings below ⬇
First you need to suscribe to Mtn:
Mtn Bis Suscription Codes
For Daily Bblited dail *216*3*1# cost #70
For Weekly Sus dail *216*3*2# cost #350
For Monthly Sus dail *216*3*3#cost #1000: All capped at 5gb
Netify Vpn Settings For Mtn Bis
Launch this user friendly application and Tick Remove Port
Proxy type: Chose Dual Real Host
Under X-online host' in the proxy server field input
Real Proxy Type: Chose HTTP
Leave others and click save a greetings pop up message will be displayed just select continue and on the handler home click on the netify vpn icon to enter the other settings
Tick connect through an http and check use the following settings
In the Host Address:
Hit back to the handler menu and hit connect
Click here for etisalat settings
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